The May 2023 issue of Charlotte Magazine is in stores. It's the issue where they announce the winners for their annual BOB Awards - The Best of the Best Awards for creatives and businesses in Charlotte. I am happy to announce that I won the BOB Award for Best Charlotte Author!
I'm excited to have received this honor in my city. Y'all know I work hard and I rep Charlotte to the fullest in my stories (this is the home of The St. Claires, my most popular series) so I love, love, love this. Thank you to all my day-ones who voted for me, the people of Charlotte who voted for me, and who are loving these stories. Sometimes, it gets lonely and boring sitting behind this desk writing all day. Okay, I couldn't even say that with a straight face. LOL! It's not boring. I'm an introvert - I live for this! I love being in my office with candles burning as I plan my next adventure via storytelling...ahh...the life!
Okay, back on topic...THANK Y'ALL SO MUCH! You make this writing journey so worthwhile and while I don't claim to be the best, I can honestly say I always put my best effort into my work.
With that being said, I have a book on pre-order. It's based in Charlotte. The title: Tall, Dark & Unavailable. Go get it.
Meet me in the lobby for champagne and autographs. *wink*
Your Charlotte Author