That's what someone, a woman, said to me this morning. When I confirmed that I was indeed an author, she responded, "Congratulations. You made it."
I was shocked. Before her, before today, no one had ever actually congratulated me on being an author. For making it. She concluded by saying, "Congratulations on finding your passion and walking in your purpose."
I thanked her, scratched my head and said silently to myself, "Walking in my purpose...hmm...?"
Then I got to thinking about all the prior jobs I had. How I wanted to major in computer science when I graduated high school because that's the field the guidance counselor recommended. She said that's where all the money was - in computers. In essence, she was telling me to choose a career path based on the amount of income I would earn - not based on whether I would actually enjoy what I was doing.
Back then, I didn't know what I wanted to do. So, I took her advice. I majored in computers.
I learned how to design websites, make digital thingies, newsletters, posters, labels, forms, templates. I learned that confusing mail merge function in Microsoft Word. Learned how to use Excel. Built spreadsheets and databases from scratch. Made Powerpoint presentations. Learned the intricacies of how computer programs worked. That was my specialty on every job I've ever had. Understanding their programs.
But then, something happened right before I quit my last corporate job - I realized it wasn't what I wanted. It took years (too many years) for me to figure that out, but I did. I didn't want to pursue a career just because it paid a lot of money. I wanted to do something I could enjoy.
My passion.
So, I started writing more and more - creating characters and plots. Since this post, I've written over 40 novels, novellas and short stories. When I tell people that, they look shocked, but today, February 22, 2017, somebody congratulated me...told me I made it. As I gave those words further thought, I understood the depth of what she was saying. She didn't mean I made it in the sense that I landed a job making a ton of money (because I'm faaaar from making a ton of money. LOL!) She meant I made it in the sense that I quit my job to follow the dream I had of becoming a writer. An author. I made the dream a reality and I love what I do. That's how you truly know if you made it - not by the amount of money you earn or the accolades you get. But by the joy you feel when you realize you had the guts to pursue a dream and made that dream a reality.